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MDG Boston-Delivering Innovation in Critical Care

Jan 17 MDG Forum Delivering Innovation In Critical Care Addressing Clinical Need, Engineering Excellence, & Sales Effectiveness The Advanced Life Saving Pump Technologies Case Successfully introducing innovation in critical care requires a tight, systemic approach...

Finish Line Staffing Services October 2017 Employment Outlook

The government released jobs report for October showed the hurricane-hit U.S. economy rebounding strongly, with the unemployment rate down now to 4.1%, the lowest level since 2000 with an add of 281,000 new jobs. According to independent polling, 39% of American...

How to get new staff up and running and productive

The way your company onboards new staff can make a big difference in the way a new team member feels welcome as well as how productive they will be for your organization. Check out our video and pick up a few tips on how to get new staff members up and...

What Do Recruiters Look For In Job Candidates?

Have you ever wanted to know what job recruiters look for when someone applies for a job? Check out our latest video to find out what staffing professionals like the ones at Finish Line Staffing look for in job...

Analyzing Job Hoppers

CBS reported recently that Millennials are job hopping more than previous generations. The phrase “job hopping” may make potential employees sound fickle, distracted, or unreliable, but in all honesty, this group of workers is more complicated than people realize....

June & July 2023 Workshops

These workshops are exclusive for King & Bishop coaching, roundtable members, alumni, and friends! There is limited seating. All workshops start at 10:30 am EST and are completed by 12 pm EST. No more than ten participants per workshop. To sign up for a workshop,...

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VendorFest Cambridge

Here are some photos of our setup and the scenery at VendorFest Cambridge! There were so many great companies to learn about, along with tons of people to connect with. Sanguine, yet again, did an amazing job with this event, and we had a great time being a part of it!

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(617) 797-6741

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