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Imagine you are currently in an interview for a great opportunity. You have been answering each question well up to this point. You feel very confident as you clearly came prepared for the interview, right? Just as your interview is coming to a close, the interviewer asks you the following question. “Do you have any questions for me?” You tell the interviewer that you do not have any questions. The interview then ends and you leave hoping you got the position.

You could not think of any questions to ask so you responded to the question correctly, right? Well, let’s take a look at this video about a young woman named Madeline who does not have any questions to ask the interviewer. While watching this short clip, can you think of other ways that Madeline could have better responded when asked if she had any questions? 

February & March 2025 Workshop Schedule

These workshops are exclusive for King & Bishop coaching, roundtable members, alumni, and friends! There is limited seating. All workshops start at 10:30 am EST and finish by 12:00 pm EST. No more than ten participants per workshop. To sign up for a workshop,...

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December & January 2024-2025 Workshop Schedule

These workshops are exclusive for King & Bishop coaching, roundtable members, alumni, and friends! There is limited seating. All workshops start at 10:30 am EST and are completed by 12:00 pm EST. No more than ten participants per workshop. To sign up for a...

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November 2024 Workshop Schedule

These workshops are exclusive for King & Bishop coaching, roundtable members, alumni, and friends! There is limited seating. All workshops start at 10:30 am EST and are complete by 12:00 pm EST. No more than ten participants per workshop. To sign up for a...

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