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By: Paul Nannicelli;

We recently came across an article that discuses how there seems to be more focus on manufacturing skills in today’s High Schools. As a recruiter that specializes in manufacturing, this is good news as it helps us find more talent for your growing needs.

In another report recently, it was estimated that there were over 600,000 manufacturing positions in the US that are right now, going unfilled because there are not enough individuals that possess the skills necessary to fill these roles.

There are still many college grads who leave with a Liberal Arts degree that have a harder time finding employment. While those who graduate with skills for advanced manufacturing are easily placed in good-paying jobs.

Also, as an aging workforce begins to approach retirement age, there becomes a possible future labor shortage in manufacturing and other technical jobs.

Click here to read the full article.

February & March 2025 Workshop Schedule

These workshops are exclusive for King & Bishop coaching, roundtable members, alumni, and friends! There is limited seating. All workshops start at 10:30 am EST and finish by 12:00 pm EST. No more than ten participants per workshop. To sign up for a workshop,...

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December & January 2024-2025 Workshop Schedule

These workshops are exclusive for King & Bishop coaching, roundtable members, alumni, and friends! There is limited seating. All workshops start at 10:30 am EST and are completed by 12:00 pm EST. No more than ten participants per workshop. To sign up for a...

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November 2024 Workshop Schedule

These workshops are exclusive for King & Bishop coaching, roundtable members, alumni, and friends! There is limited seating. All workshops start at 10:30 am EST and are complete by 12:00 pm EST. No more than ten participants per workshop. To sign up for a...

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